The process of commissioning a portrait of your dog is very straightforward.  The first step is for me to meet you dog, so I can get to know your dogs character and find out a little more about them. I take photographs so I can work from these in the studio.  I can either travel to your home to meet your dog, or you can bring them to my home in Herefordshire, which ever is easiest.

I like work in pastel or oil for my  dog portraits. Working in pastel allows me to build up a rich layers of colour, enabling me to capture the complicated colours and  textures of coat and fur.  My aim is to let the character of my subject to shine through, and leap off the page towards you.  When apining the whole dog or multiple portrais, the flexibility of washes of oil colour creates a lovely sense of movement.

 The size of your finished portrait will vary according to the breed of dog and the pose, but as a rough guide an average portrait will measure approximately 52cm by 54cm.

Your portrait will be finished framed and ready to hang on the wall.  I do all my own framing, using a variety of wooden frames, hand-painted to complement your portrait, with a wash-line mount. I am very happy to discuss the framing with you in more detail at the time of commission.
